Developed in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation
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Search or filter using the county where the site is located; if site is not in Colorado, the county and state are listed together; for example, Hamilton (KS).
Search or filter using the eight-digit hydrologic unit code where the site is located.
Search or filter using the elevation (in feet) of the site referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. This is the approximate elevation of the site and not the water surface stage during the flood.
Drainage Area
Search or filter using the drainage area (in square miles) of the watershed that drains to the site; the drainage area is unknown for a few sites. To search sites where the drainage area is not known, enter "-2" in the drainage area search field.
Search or filter on the maximum discharge (in cubic feet per second) of the flood; the discharge is not known for some events. To search events where the discharge is not known, enter "-2" in the discharge search field. Some indirect discharge measurements were performed not to determine the discharge of a particular flood event, but rather to help better define or extend the stage-discharge rating at a particular site; these indirect discharge measurements were assigned a value of "-1" for the discharge because no actual flood occurred at that site. To search indirect discharge measurements that were performed where no flood occurred, enter "-1" in the discharge search field.
Search or filter flood events on the year of occurrence. The exact year of occurrence for paleoflood events is not known; to search sites where paleoflood studies have been documented, enter "-1" in the year search field.
Data Source
Search or filter flood events on the data source of each flood event. Data in the flood database comes from three sources: indirect discharge measurements (Indirect); paleoflood studies published in journal articles (Paleo); or the USGS National Water Information System peak-flow database (Peak).
Computation Method
Search or filter flood events on the computation method type used to determine the discharge. These are methods of computations determined in the field and use to calculate the discharge of the flood event.
Station Number
Search or filter using the USGS streamgage station number of the site; not all sites in the database are located at a USGS streamgage. To search sites that are not located at a USGS streamgage, enter "Miscellaneous" in the Station No. search field.
Site Name
Search or filter on the name of site, some sites however, may have the same site name. The site name usually includes the stream name and the nearest town. The search will return any site where any part of the site name matches the entire search criteria.
Site Name
Search or filter on the name of the site; however, some sites may have the same site name. The site name usually includes the stream name and the nearest town. The search will return any site where any part of the site name matches the entire search criteria.
Mile Marker
Search or filter flood events on the highway and mile-post number (mile marker) and the search radius from that point.
Station No.
USGS streamgage station number of site; if site is not located at USGS streamgage then it is listed as "Miscellaneous."
Latitude of site (in decimal degrees) referenced to the North American Datum of 1983.
Longitude of site (in decimal degrees) referenced to the North American Datum of 1983.
County where site is located; if site is not in Colorado, the county and state are listed together.
Eight-digit hydrologic unit code where the site is located.
Drainage Area
The drainage area (in square miles) of the watershed that drains to the site. If the drainage area is not known, then the drainage area is listed as "-2."
The elevation (in feet) of the site referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. This is the approximate elevation of the site and not the water-surface stage during the flood.
USGS Streamgage URL
The Webpage of the USGS streamgage if the site is located at a USGS streamgage; otherwise listed as "NA."
The date when the flood event occurred at the site in year-month-day format (YYYY/MM/DD). When the day or month and day are not known, the format is "YYYY/MM/.." and "YYYY/../..", respectively.
The maximum discharge (in cubic feet per second) of the flood; if discharge is not known, then the discharge is listed as "-2." Some indirect discharge measurements were performed not to determine the discharge of a particular flood event, but rather to help better define or extend the stage-discharge rating at a particular site; these indirect discharge measurements were assigned a value of "-1" for the discharge since no actual flood occurred at that site.
Data Source Location
The Webpage of the data source or the location where the paper file is stored.
Largest Flood in the Last This Many Years
The largest flood that occurred at the site going back X-number of years ago, but the flood could have occurred anytime from the present going back X-number many years.
The reliability (in years) is the estimate of the date of the paleoflood event; if reliability is not reported in data source, then the reliability is listed as "Unknown."